Cheat Sheet: HTML


HTML Boilerplate

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">







HTML Lists

<ol></ol> ordered list

<li></li> unordered list

HTML Image

<img src=”” alt=””>

HTML Links and Anchor Tags

<a href=https://...>Hello</a>

HTML Tables

<table cellspacing=”” /// cells space between each other>

<thead> /// table head area

<tr> /// table row

<th> /// table head </th>



<tbody> /// table body

<tr> /// table row

<td> /// table data




<tfoot> /// table footer</tfoot>


Access Emoji in Windows 10 Using Keyboard Shortcut: WIN + . (full stop) keyboard shortcut, or else the WIN + ; (semicolon)

HTML Forms

<form class=”” action=”” method=”” enctype=”text/plain”> ///

<lable> /// </lable>

<input type = “text” name=”” value=””> ///there are many other types, eg. File, color, date, radio, email… </input>

<input type = “submit” name=””> /// </input>


HTML Spacing

<hr> /// horizontal row


<div class="..."></div> /// divider of webpage, it doesn't do anything unless you apply some css



<link rel=”icon” href=”favicon.ico”>

<link rel=”icon” href=”favicon.ico?v=2”>  /// if it doesn’t refresh


HTML DOM (Document Object Model)

document.firstElementChild // return the first element on the webpage

document.lastElementChild // return the last element on the webpage

document.firstElementChild.innerHTML // return the text inside the first element on the webpage

document.querySelector(“input”).click() // click on the first element whose tag is input, same rule as CSS for selectors

document.querySelectorAll(“input”).click() // click on all the elements whose tag is input, same rule as CSS for selectors

document.getElementsByTagName(“h1”) // return an array of all the elements that have the tag “h1”

document.getElementsByTagName(“h1”)[n] // return the n+1 element that has the tag “h1”

document.getElementsByClassName(“myClass”) // return an array of all the elements that have the class name “myClass”

document.getElementById(“myID”) // return the element that has the id name “myID”