Boilerplate highlighted in Purple
Use user input to return a result
const express = require("express"); //
Express.JS Boilerplate highlighted in Purple const bodyParser
= require("body-parser"); //
Required package to process data of user inputs const
app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})); //
Required, otherwise the req.body.x below won’t work const port = 3000; app.get("/", function(req,
res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + "/function.html"); // send the webpage to return, vs. res.send("working
fine"); })"/function", function(req,
res) { var myVAR = Number(req.body.formInputName); // Get the data from the user input on sendFile (“/function.html”),
and store it as number var result = myFunction(myVAR);
// Call myFunction with the input
from the user res.send(result); // return the result to the webpage })
myFunction(myVariable) {…} //
define the function used in
app.listen(port, function() { console.log("server
has started");
}); ///* on function.html */// <form action="/function"
method="post"> <input
type="text" name="formInputName"
placeholder="placeholder"> <button
type="submit" name="submit">Submit</button> </form> |
Making API Requests with
the Node HTTPS Module
const express =
require("express"); const https = require("https"); //
already embedded with Node.js const app = express(); const port = 3000; app.use(express.static(“public”));
// allow the server to fetch files from “public”
folder, and in html when link to the files in public folder, no need to include
public in the path, e.g. link= “images/pic.png” app.get("/",
function(req, res) { const url = “https://....” //API
link https.get(url,
function (response){
console.log(response.attributesIWant) // return the attribute
the url
response.on(“data”, function(data){ const
= JSON.parse(data) ;// return the dataset
from the API, reverse of JSON.stringify() const
= returnedDataset.path
;// return the specific data from the API const
= returnedDataset.path
; res.write(returnedSpecificData1); res.write(returnedSpecificData2); res.send(returnedSpecificData1); //
res.send can only appear once }) }); app.listen(port, function() { console.log("server
has started"); }); |
esversion:6 const bodyParser =
require("body-parser"); const express =
require("express"); const request =
require("request"); const https = require("https"); const app = express(); app.use(express.static("public"));
true})); app.get("/", function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + "/signup.html"); });"/", function(req, res)
const firstName = req.body.fName;
const lastName
= req.body.lName;
const email
const data
= {
members: [{
email_address: email,
status: "subscribed",
merge_fields: {
FNAME: firstName,
LNAME: lastName }
}] }; const jsonData = JSON.stringify(data); const url = ""; const options = { method: "POST", auth: "anyUserName:19ced65969b0f49ccb88e8da2d824768-us20" }; const request =
if(response.statusCode===200) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + "/success.html");
res.sendFile(__dirname + "/failure.html"); } response.on("data", function(data){ console.log(JSON.parse(data)); }); }); request.write(jsonData); request.end(); });"/failure",
function(req,res){ res.redirect("/"); //add
a button in failure.html,
and direct its route to /failure }); app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000,
function() { //listen
on process.env.PORT (online server) or local server 3000 console.log("server
is running on port 3000"); }); |
… const app = express(); const myModule = require (__dirname+ “/myModule.js”);
// recall own module; var value1 = myModule.myFunction1() //
run the function in myModule.js app.set(‘view engine’, ‘ejs’); // add this code in order
to use EJS var myArrays=[]; … app.get("/", function(req, res) { var
res.render(“index”, {myVarInEJS:
myVar, myArraysInEJS: myArrays}); // create a folder “views”
and a file index.ejs inside
this folder. Remove index.html });“/”, function(req, res){ var myArray
= req.body.myArrayInEJS; myArrays.push(myArray);
//add the input to the collections res.redirect(“/”); //refresh
the webpage every time the user submit the form }); app.listen(…); |
///* index.ejs */// <%- include(“header”) -%> //
include the header.ejs in the views folder <h1>This is my <%=
%> </h1>
// fetch the variable <% if (myVar === A) { %> //
every line that is not html, need to add <%...%> <h1>…</h1> <%}else{ %> <h1>…</h1> <%}%> <form action= “/” method= “post”> //
form for user to input <input type=”text”
name= “myArrayInEJS”> <button type= “submit”
name= “button”> Add </button> </form> <% for (var i=0; i< myArraysInEJS.length;
i++) { %> // use for loop to render the lists <li> <%= myArraysInEJS[i] %> </li> <%}%> <% myArraysInEJS.forEach(function(a){ %> //
another way to loop an array <h2><%= a.title %></h2> <% }) %> … <%- include(“footer”) -%> //
include the footer.ejs in the views folder ///* myModule.js */// parallel to app.js exports.myFunction1 = function(){…}; exports.myFunction2 = function(){…}; |