1. The time need to register the product:
- prescribed medicine: generic / patent: 1~3 years minimo, "lobby" relationship with the office
- OTC: 1~2 years minimo
- agencia of registro: the company needs to have authorized lab in Spain - (need to have at least commercialized product, e.g. buy a small company)
- food supplements: no registry. no control. can distribute small samples in pharmacy
- DCP: 210 calendar days
- Bureau: Agencia Española de Medicamento y
Productos Sanitarios, AEMPS
2. Get into the list of reimbursement
- need to be within the categories
- no need to negotiate with government
- nationalwide
3. Sales channels (direct or distobutor)
- 4~5 biggest distributors in spain : 60~70% market share. cofares. usually works with multiples
- genericos / food supplement: need to have a key account, stock pressure
- public hospital
- public tender
- private hospital / lab
- prefer traditional way f2f promotion
- pharmacy:
- all indepentant
- prefer wholesaler for few units of products
- Association for price negotiation?
- delivery 2 per day
- price:
- reimbursed: government
- OTC: market price
- supermarkets
- online: only from pharmacy
- Sales/marketing budget goes
- OTC: 25 sales team, KAM, folletos, 20% of price to advising
4. price
- for reimbursed medicine, 15% of margin regulated
- for others, only recommended price
5. Sales
- sales reps don't need license to sell